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Pen Pals With Typewriters


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  • 23 Jun 2024 2:00 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    It's been a while since we looked at the countries represented by Type Pals members, so here we go!

    United States 218
    Canada 29
    United Kingdom 20
    Germany 12
    Australia 8
    Brazil 5
    Italy 4
    France 3
    Netherlands 3
    Portugal 3
    Denmark 2
    Poland 2
    Sweden 2
    Switzerland 2
    Belgium 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Finland 1
    Hong Kong 1
    Ireland 1
    Jordan 1
    Lithuania 1
    New Zealand 1
    Romania 1
    Singapore 1
    Spain 1
    Taiwan 1

    These are humbling numbers. We have come such a long way. Thank you for being a Type Pal!

  • 22 Oct 2023 10:38 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    We need to make new members feel welcome and get excited about being active participants in Type Pals. With that in mind, we need YOU to be a part of the Welcome Committee!

    With anywhere from a few to several new members each month, being a part of the Welcome Committee requires commitment and reliability. Members of the Welcome Committee are asked to send a postcard, note, or letter to welcome new members to Type Pals. It requires a significant investment of time and postage, including extra postage for international members.

    By signing up for the Welcome Committee, you commit to sending postcards and letters to new members who joined in the previous month. You will need to sign up for the Welcome Committee in each month you wish to participate, so there is no long-term commitment.

    Your help in welcoming new members is greatly appreciated!

    Find out more here. (You must be a registered member of Type Pals and signed in to view the event.)

  • 7 Aug 2023 8:21 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    I've been curious for too long about how many countries are represented by Type Pals members, and I am blown away by the results:

    United States 164
    Canada 22
    United Kingdom 12
    Germany 8
    Australia 5
    Netherlands 4
    Portugal 4
    Brazil 2
    Lithuania 2
    Romania 2
    Sweden 2
    Switzerland 2
    Belgium 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Finland 1
    France 1
    Hong Kong 1
    Indonesia 1
    Ireland 1
    Italy 1
    Poland 1
    Taiwan 1

    Yes, TWENTY-TWO countries are represented. This blows me away. I am filled with joy knowing what we have built together has made it so far across the globe.

    Yet, the numbers are concerning. The vast majority of our members are in the United States. This leaves me with a few questions:

    1. How do we increase our numbers in English-speaking countries outside of the US?
    2. How do we reach English-speaking countries that are not currently represented?
    3. How do we make non-English speaking people feel welcome?

    I would love to hear your thoughts on these questions. Please email me with your ideas.

  • 29 Jul 2023 2:16 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    Unfortunately, the July 30th Typewriter Club LIVE has been canceled. In addition, TCL will be on hiatus throughout August. The goal is to return in September.

    This has been an incredibly difficult decision, as I know so many of you look forward to our weekly meetings. Some have called it the highlight of their week, which touches me more than you will ever know.

    Alas, I am in need of some time for inner focus. I am hopeful things will look differently in a month. I'll update as necessary.

    In the meantime, I hope you will make full use of Type & Talk (No Host). It is a members-only event, so be sure to sign up to Type Pals. It is, and always will be free.

    Thank you so much for your understanding. I hope to see you again soon.

  • 29 Aug 2022 11:21 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    It's long overdue, but I have added a Thank You page to acknowledge the generous support--either financially or with expertise--of our members, sponsors, and experts. As a token of my gratitude, these members will be entered in a monthly drawing for Type Pals swag. I would love to send each and every one of you all the things, but there are so many of you!

    If you're not on the list above, and you feel you have benefitted from your membership, please consider making a small, one-time donation of any amount. It really does help.

    As a reminder, Type Pals is and always will be free. Your membership and participation are appreciated more than you know.

  • 13 Jul 2022 8:43 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    I am thrilled to announce the launch of Typo Radio, home of the Type Pals Podcast. Episodes of TPP are streamed 24/7, along with bonus content. Of course, you can still listen to Type Pals Podcast on-demand via your favorite podcast service or at But to quickly enjoy some typewriter-related content, head on over to Typo Radio!

  • 30 Apr 2022 1:33 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    I spent a little time cleaning up the site, removing features that weren't being used. This includes the member chat and public forums. The member forums remain and can now be found under the member menu. These get a fair amount of use, and I am quite pleased with that.

    I am constantly looking for new features to add, so if you have ideas, feel free to send them my way!

  • 29 Apr 2022 2:36 PM | Gregory (Administrator)

    I am excited to announce that I have added a new option on member profiles: Communication Preference. This allows you to select your preference for letters, postcards, or both!

    Please update your profile when you get a chance.

    Also, if you have ideas for any new things to go on the profile page, let me know!

  • 25 Mar 2022 8:08 AM | Gregory (Administrator)

    It's been a long time coming, but thanks to the participation of some of the finest typewriter folks, the Type Pals Podcast is here! Listen to the trailer here:

    Want to be on the show? Find out more here.

  • 19 Nov 2021 2:15 AM | Gregory (Administrator)

    Now members can upload photos to one of three galleries:

    • Typewriters
    • Typing in the Wild
    • Typing Prompts

    I can't wait to see what you share! And stay tuned for themed photo contests.

    Have an idea for a gallery? Let me know!

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